Category Archives: Joys of Home Ownership

If you luck out like I did and managed to purchase a home on “The Rock” it comes with it’s ups and downs. Pros: You’re not renting 2 bedroom for $2500/month without utilities. (That’s if you’re lucky). Cons: Repairs, Upgrades, and hoping Hurricanes and Tropical Storms find a different direction to go!

Terrors of The Boys and the Bathroom. Simple Solution to the mess clean up

This is something I wonder if every woman who has a male human in their life has to deal with. What’s up with the guys missing the toilet bowl when they pee?!?!
Ok, for the record this not being directed by any means at my boyfriend but rather the number of guys that have utilized my restroom facilities at my house. Needless to say, my steam cleaner is fabulous at getting rid of the nasty ammonia smell left by not so near misses. Just cleaned the downstairs bathroom today with the steam cleaner and could see, yes see, what missed the toilet get steamed off the surface. All kinds of EW. Thankfully, the bathroom down there smells Great Now aka you don’t smell anything whatsoever! But EWW, to misses. I still remember my mom had a little decoration in the powder room in house we used to live in in NJ that said, “If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie!” I need an adapted version of that for the guys using my bathroom. Being a germaphobe cleaning a bathroom is no easy task.
The steam cleaner I use for the bathroom is amazing by the way. I highly recommend it. I’ve added a link if you want to check it out.
Also, is fabulous on grout. Trust me, the condo I used to rent before buying my house had the WORST looking grout ever. Until this bad boy kicked butt cleaning it.