Tag Archives: Live

How To Update The Look Of Your Windows And Make Them Look Amazing With Minimal Spending!!! Impress Family And Friends!!!

Windows! We can love them or we can hate them! In my case, I love them! Living in the Sunshine state has its perks. Like having a beautiful palm tree growing outside my living room window!

This palm tree is a beautiful reminder of what it’s like living in tAmazonhe Florida Keys! My guests have commented on the palm tree’s location in front of the window which led to (the dreaded) “So what are you thinking about doing to this window?” By that point, I had already purchased some Top-Down Bottom Up Blinds for privacy and to also allow light in but the window itself was LACKING, to put it kindly. Literally, just looked like a wall with a window in it. BOOOORING!

*For those of you who want to see the blinds I bought. They have helped me save soooo much money by keeping the house cool (FLORIDA IS HOT!) and being able to open the top down I have privacy in so many ways!*

My light Filtering for downstairs

My Blackouts for the Bedrooms that work wonders!

Back to the shears to make those windows Pop! Being equally as frugal as picky, I started to research what shears would look good but wouldn’t distract the relaxing view outside. The idea of just hanging a rod and stringing on some blinds, eh seemed like it would feel make the window look heavy and distract from the tropical view outside.

Time to get creative. Frugal, but creative.

This window’s aesthetic goal was it going to be a living, constantly changing piece of art, and nature was going to be the artist.

How in the world do you make that happen?!?! (and not go broke?!?)

That’s when I started looking at what Amazon had to offer. Living on a 2 by 4 mile rock leaves you with limited choices and there was no way I was about to drive to the mainland for something I didn’t want to spend more than $50 bucks on! (I’d of spent more on gas and tolls!)

Thankfully, at that point I had already purchased a curtain rod. The rod I had chosen had enough contrast to the grayish blue walls surrounding the window to draw your eye up but not so much as to linger at the rod itself. The walls being painted the grayish blue also meant the color of the curtain would have to be light. White, in this case, would work. Typically, I like to choose a different color draw attention to the window but in this case the goal was not to bring the attention to the window itself but the view outside.

Another factor I had to address was taking attention away from hardware used to install the blinds in the windows. Quite frankly, if I can do this to all of the blinds in my house I would. Those are upcoming projects.

The stage was set. The window treatment for the long window with a view of the palm tree in the courtyard needed to be light in color without feeling washed out (cue curtain rod) all while to prevent from being distracted from, but mainly blocking, the view of the hardware for the blinds in the window itself. Typical curtains need not apply.

So what was available that met all of my needs and affordable?

This beauty.

It was white (check), had as subtle amount of texture for some character (check on the subtleness), could be hung to hang on either side of the window like typical curtain (check), and the best part, could be hung in such a way to block the view of the hardware for the blinds (epic check). It was also only $15.99 on Amazon!

My goal of making my living room window a piece of living art was achieved! In total spending no more than $30 or $40 for everything! To me, that’s a steal!

Instead of getting, “So what are you going to do with that window?” , I’m now being complemented with, “Wow, that’s a beautiful view you have in your living room!”

Feel free to steal the idea for yourself and ENJOY!

Inspiration behind: Life Lessons For Keeping Up With the Keys!

This blog started from me being home sick from work.  My job at the time required me to work around a lot of substances that may be pathogenic.  Eww, I know first hand.  It’s also stemming from the want to share what I know and what I’ve been able to discover surviving in the Florida Keys.  The turn over rate of people moving down only to leave again is a bit overwhelming.    There’s also the need for me to share ideas that would be otherwise trapped in my head.  The populous is not as diverse if one were living in a large city.  I guess you’d say this is my lighthouse letting you know I’m here and warning of dangers present near shore.  It can be just as treacherous on land as well in my experience.

The first time I came to Key West was on an overnight trip during Summer Vacation while I was still in college. I believe it was in 2009.  It was soooo hot. I can still clearly remember my skin want to spontaneously combust every time I stepped outside.  That’s when I learned the term “being pickled” down here meant drinking to keep you cooled off.   It was nice being able to meet people that I’m still friends with today as well.  When it comes to remembering what I saw that first time: lots of trees shading very uneven sidewalks. The town was full of trees even though buildings of various ages were packed into every space they could be placed.  Music from the live bands performing along Duval  street along with subsequent side streets carried a variety of music along in the distance. It was pleasant, refreshing in it’s majestic abnormality, really hot,  but the island was alive.

A walk could take you to a place earmarked in history, a celebration of life be it a birthday, engagement,  or what have you,  a beach with people from all over the globe wanting to bask in the sun and gaze into the shimmering crystal clear ocean.  I had found my paradise.  All of it was a walk or short bike ride away.  We were able to go snorkeling that day and were able to see the reef with the diverse ecosystem it was host to.  It was like living a dream.

One of these days I’ll be sure to take a walk and capture some of what life has to offer you here in the Keys.  It’s rejuvenating and reminds you to live.  It’s what keeping you going despite the very high cost of living.  That by far has to be the biggest challenge.   Most people aren’t willing to make the sacrifices you have to make being part of the working class down here. Sadly the term working poor can be used all too often.  I’ve even been through it myself.   With enough determination to get through sacrifices you can gain enough footing to live here.  It’s just not going to be easy.  Can’t sugarcoat that fact.

My journey through life down here I can only hope may be helpful to you. There are ways to make the best out if life down here living paycheck to paycheck.  Ways to save some of that hard earned money. Even ways to enjoy what the island community has to offer you without spending a dime. If you’ll allow me to I’ll be happy to share my experiences with you as your inside look. Take care and may your dreams come true.